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Peace, comfort and serenity are few conveniences one searches for, in a hotel or a resort during an excursion or business. Another aspect which has been recently added to the list for a check in is privacy. It is one of the significant necessities of visitors who need to unwind or work while voyaging. Hoteliers now days are ensuring that their customers get the privacy they seek during holidays without compromising on the aesthetics. The best solution for hoteliers would be to incorporate laminated glass designs in their establishments which look elegant and also does not compromise on privacy. It is the ideal component to draw a line between your visitors and the undesired element that they may not look for.
Installing frosted glass doors enhances the look and feel of the interiors, and also keeps privacy intact. These glass solutions are available in different versions and types for the privacy feature, depending on the requirements. Tempered glass is another brilliant solution for glass designs for sustaining aesthetics and privacy. There is a ton of hard work involved in the construction and decorating the establishments for a magnificent guest satisfaction. Laminated glass solutions could be the best way to blend aesthetics and privacy in a room.
Glasxperts provides 360 degree solutions for glass interiors and take full responsibility right from inspection, product selection, design, installation to fitting and service. Glasxperts ensures the establishment and maintenance of privacy requirements for your glass designs. It has a versatile portfolio ranging from frosted glass doors, etched glass, laminated glass etc. Glasxperts provides different versions of glass designs for every occasion and assembles reliable expertise to create excellent glass solutions for your establishments.
Glasxperts helps you to achieve the delicate balance between aesthetics and privacy, we provide your privacy solutions in
- It is an intelligent glass that switches from transparent to translucent and vice- versa with the press of a button. It is made using Polymer Dispersed Crystal (PDC)
This is a product which brings blinds and glass into one single integrated unit with remote control option.
It is a unique glass whose appearance changes from transparent to translucent with different viewing angles.