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What is an Acoustic Window? 

What is an Acoustic Window

Posted Date: Feb 28, 2024

The process of urbanisation is expanding at an unprecedented rate, which is leading to an increase in sound pollution. This noise pollution can disrupt our peace of mind and affect our overall well-being. To tackle this issue, we have acoustic windows, which are advanced and innovative windows designed to combat external noise and promote a peaceful habitat for holistic well-being.  

In this article, we will understand how these acoustic windows work their magic to provide a tranquil environment amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. 

What Is Acoustic Glass Windows? 

Acoustic glass windows are a type of sound-insulating glass system that uses constructive interference principles. They are designed to minimise the amount of noise that enters a room through entryways. These windows are engineered to reduce disturbances from external sources like traffic, construction, and other loud noises, creating a peaceful and quiet interior environment. 

Components of Acoustic Glass Windows   

Acoustic glass windows consist of several components, which are: 

  • Multi-Pane Designs  

Double or triple-glazed windows can be effective in reducing sound. This involves layering two or more glass panes with a slight air pocket spacing in between. The spacing between the glass panes is crucial in determining the effectiveness of the soundproofing, with wider spacing reducing lower frequencies and closer gaps targeting higher pitches. This technique works by taking advantage of destructive wave interference and fluid dynamics friction, cancelling out sound waves. 

  • Specialised Acoustic Interlayers  

Viscoelastic polymer interlayers such as polyvinyl butyral (PVB), ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), or thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) provide an effective solution for reducing vibration transfer and enhancing sound attenuation in laminated glass.  

Viscoelastic polymer interlayers used in laminated glass possess unique damping characteristics that help to reduce the amplitude and intensity of noise by dissipating the energy of sound waves passing through the glass. This is achieved by converting the energy of sound waves into heat, which is then dissipated through the interlayer material.  

The use of such interlayers can significantly improve the acoustic performance of buildings, vehicles, and other structures, making them more comfortable and peaceful for occupants. 

  • Edge Sealing  

By using specialised compound strands around the edges of materials like walls or windows, precision perimeter sealing ensures that air leakage and sound transmission are prevented. This technique is highly beneficial for creating a comfortable and soundproof indoor environment.  

It helps to maintain a tight seal that keeps noise out and ensures that the air inside stays at a comfortable temperature. If you're looking to improve the quality of your indoor environment, precision perimeter sealing is an excellent way to do so. 

Benefits of Acoustic Windows    

  • Privacy and Comfort  

Acoustic windows prevent noise from entering, promoting peaceful sleep, uninterrupted workflow, and clear communication. 

  • Health Protection  

Reducing traffic and constructing drone routes can ease health problems and cognitive overload caused by urban noise pollution seeping inside. 

  • Asset Enhancement   

By installing soundproof windows, property valuation and marketability can be increased significantly along with tenant retention. This is made possible by offering a rare peaceful living space in bustling locations. 

Thereby, the offbeat innovation sustains the safety of delicate psychological ecosystems, upholding stimulated cognition, creativity, and overall wellness. 

Applications of Acoustic Windows 

  • Near Airports and Railways  

Living near transit corridors can be quite noisy due to increased noise pollution levels. It is recommended to use specialised building envelope instrumentation that can help mitigate the impact of sound to address this issue. 

  • Urban Workspaces

Installing specialised glazing in corporate offices can effectively insulate the workplace from traffic noise. This can result in improved employee efficiency and engagement, especially in densely populated business complexes. 

  • Studious Spheres 

In environments where distractions can hinder success, such as school classrooms or music studios, utilising soundproof windows and other decibel-reduction technologies can greatly improve productivity and focus. 

Therefore, customised window retrofits can effectively transform habitats by curbing noise disruptions and factoring in context. 


Create a peaceful home environment by installing AIS Glasxperts acoustic windows that effectively scatter sound waves. These windows act as a barrier against noise pollution from traffic and offer a serene retreat in any location. AIS Glasxperts also provides innovative and quality acoustic window options that blend with any aesthetic. 

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