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How to Choose the Right Glass for Your Window Renovation Project 

How to Choose the Right Glass for Your Window Renovation Project

Posted Date: Jan 25, 2024

Some home projects make as big an impact as upgrading your outdated, draughty windows. New windows can transform the look of your place, slash energy bills, and even keep the neighbourhood noise outside where it belongs. 

But window tech has come a long way since those single pane monsters were installed back in the day. Now you have more options for high-tech glass and glazing than you can shake a stick at. We are here to guide you to make the best choice when looking for glass window replacement. So, let's get started.

Significance of Choosing the Right Glass Windows 

Choosing the right glass is an important consideration when replacing windows. Glass windows set the mood with natural light and views, help seal out noise, and can make your utility bills go yikes if they're old and leaky. Windows even impact how secure you feel. There are so many types of glass, glazings, coatings and frames to pick from nowadays.  

Consulting with window installation professionals and comparing multiple quotes is advisable to determine optimal solutions that meet functional needs, suit architectural style, and fit within budget constraints. Selecting well-performing, durable windows made with appropriate glass for the climate and setting can yield positive returns for many years through increased property value, utility savings, comfort, and security. The selection process takes some time and diligence, but the benefits of improved windows are significant. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Glass Windows 

1. Types of Windows 

There are several major types of windows to evaluate: 

  • Sliding windows are just what they sound like - they slide open smoothly and easily on little wall tracks. Great option for rooms where you need to hop out the window in an emergency. 
  • Double-hung windows have two sections that move up and down separately.  
  • Awning windows are hinged at the top with handles at the bottom. You can push them outward to get fresh air while the rain stays outside where it belongs. 
  • Bay and bow windows have multiple panes in an angular protrusion from the wall. This provides a broader field of view. 

Carefully assess how each room is used to determine the optimal window type and orientation. Consider factors like view, ventilation, and egress requirements. 

2. Types of Glass 

Single-pane glass offers minimal insulation. Most modern windows use double pane glass with two panes separated by an air gap for significantly improved thermal efficiency. Triple pane windows further enhance insulation with three panes and two air gaps. Speciality coatings like low-emissivity (Low-E) metallic layers also boost efficiency. However, increased panes and coatings add to the cost. 

3. Size and Style  

Take accurate measurements of each window opening during the selection process. This ensures proper fit and functionality. The style of windows should complement the home's architecture. Contemporary homes often suit styles with clean lines and large glass areas, while traditional homes may incorporate grid patterns and smaller divided lights. 

4. Energy Efficiency 

Many factors impact window energy efficiency beyond glass type. Gas fills like argon between window panes and insulates better than air. Improved frame materials like vinyl and composite limit heat conduction. Warm edge spacers also reduce conduction at the edges. Energy Star ratings demonstrate efficiency - a good guideline is selecting at least Energy Star-qualified windows. 

5. Security Features 

Security aspects to evaluate include the strength of frame and sash materials, laminated and tempered glass types, quality locks, and anchoring of units to resist forced entry. Reinforced windows in vulnerable locations boost home security. 

6. Frame Materials  

Common frame materials each have advantages. Vinyl frames offer affordability, weather resistance, and easy upkeep. Wood provides aesthetic appeal but requires frequent refinishing. Aluminium is strong and modern but conducts heat. Composite materials blend favourable properties. Fibreglass resists shrinking and swelling. 

7. Price 

Consumers should obtain quotes from multiple contractors when selecting windows. Higher initial cost often yields superior performance, durability, and long-term savings from increased energy efficiency. Carefully weighing total value against upfront cost leads to an optimal decision. 

8. Maintenance and Cleaning  

Easy window access and operation simplify maintenance. Materials like vinyl and fibreglass reduce maintenance needs compared to wood or metal. Self-cleaning glass coatings are also available. Ensure screens are accessible for cleaning and removal. Simple maintenance performed regularly maximises window lifespan. 


Carefully evaluating priorities, researching glass types and features, comparing installation methods, accounting for energy codes, and consulting window professionals enables homeowners to make informed decisions when selecting glass for window renovation projects. Taking the time to understand the range of options optimises choices to meet needs and goals. AIS Glasxperts is one of the top glass window providers you must consider. 

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