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Different Types Of uPVC Windows

Different Types Of uPVC Windows

Posted Date: Jan 18, 2024

uPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) windows have recently become hugely popular for home improvement projects. uPVC is an affordable, low-maintenance, and energy-efficient material for fantastic windows. There are different types of uPVC windows to consider when replacing or installing new windows in your home.  

About uPVC Windows 

uPVC windows offer homeowners many benefits compared to traditional materials like wood or metal. They are superior insulators, keeping interiors comfortable and reducing energy costs. uPVC is also resistant to rot, rust, and corrosion, making the windows highly durable and low maintenance over their lifespan. Most uPVC window frames come with at least a 10-year manufacturer warranty. 

Another perk is that uPVC can be tinted in various colours or have wood grain finishes to complement any home exterior style. And thanks to their tight construction, uPVC windows block outside noise pollution better than other materials. Homeowners can expect uPVC windows to enhance their home's aesthetics, comfort, and value. 

Different Types Of uPVC Windows 

There are several common configurations and opening mechanisms for uPVC windows to consider: 

1. Fixed uPVC Windows 

Fixed windows are non-opening panels suitable for letting light into dark areas of a home without ventilation. They are typically installed in spaces like basements, attics, and garages. Fixed uPVC windowpanes are the most affordable in single glazing. Double or triple-glazed fixed windows are excellent upgrades if noise insulation or energy efficiency are essential. 

2. French uPVC Windows 

French windows, with two casement-style sashes, give homes a touch of elegance and antiquity. The dual-opening panes resemble a classic double door. Each sash is divided into small panes, creating the look of gridlines across the glass. This style suits living rooms, master bedrooms, and studies. 

3. Casement uPVC Windows 

Hinged on one side, casements are the most common uPVC windows. Basic casements have one sash, while double casements have two sashes meeting in the middle. These windows maximise airflow as they open outward on side hinges. Pairs of casement windows make great focal points, flanking fireplaces, or other architectural elements. 

4. Glass-to-Glass uPVC windows 

Glass-to-glass uPVC windows have two glass panes sealed in the frame with no rails dividing them. This provides a seamless glass exterior for unhindered outside views and maximum natural light inside rooms. 

5. Top Hung Window 

Top hung uPVC windows open upwards. The glass pane swivels on hinges fixed along the frame's top edge, allowing ample fresh air circulation through the opening. Top hung windows are easy to open using a lever or rod. They are ideal above kitchen counters or bathroom sinks to let steam out efficiently. 

6. Side Hung Windows 

Side hung windows, also called casement windows, have hinges mounted along the side. The glass pane opens sideways, enabling comfortable ventilation. Side-hung windows give a modern, stylish look. 

7. Tilt-and-Turn uPVC Windows 

Highly versatile in operation, tilt-and-turn windows have side hinges, allowing them to open inwards in two ways. Turning like a door offers maximum ventilation. A tilted top-hinged opening allows air circulation while preventing rain ingress. These qualities make them perfect for bedrooms and living spaces.  

8. Sliding uPVC Windows 

Sliding windows feature a fixed and mobile sash that glides side to side behind the fixed pane. Sliding windows are great substitutes where rooms lack space for outward opening options, allowing ample light and ventilation without intruding on interior space. 


uPVC windows for homes offer durability, energy savings, noise reduction, low maintenance, and great aesthetics. With the variety of styles available, like fixed, casements, and tilting options, there are excellent choices to suit any shape or size of opening. Consider what functions are most important for each space to select the best types of uPVC windows during new installations or replacement projects. Investing in quality uPVC windows will enhance the comfort and enjoyment of your home for years to come. Transform any space with noise-reducing, durable uPVC windows perfectly suited to your needs - contact AIS Glasxperts for a free consultation! 

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