How to Prevent Smog & Pollution at Home & Office
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Although India has witnessed rapid economic growth, industrialization, and expansion of cities at a fast pace since liberalization, the air pollution too has reached a peak as a result. So much so that the figures of death rates caused by pollution has surpassed the casualties caused by terrorism.

Garbage strewn rivers and air enveloped with dust and smog are the peculiar features giving rise to a number of health hazards: life-threatening diseases such as lung cancer, strokes, heart diseases, respiratory syndromes such as asthma to name a few!

How to Combat Rising Smog & Pollution

According to estimates, India’s pollution level is likely to get worse before getting any better. While you cannot avoid the impact of pollution outside, you can certainly do so at your home or office where you spend a major part of your day. In case you are curious to know of the natural ways to do so- replacing your doors and windows with an airtight solution, uPVC doors and windows, for instance, is sufficient enough to prevent entry of polluted air from the outdoors into the interiors.

Already using one? Monitor the quality of air after you have installed airtight windows and be ready to get impressed. The immense change in the level of indoor air pollutants after you have installed the GX pollution and smog resistant windows are surely going to make you recommend it to everyone! Want to know about the whole mechanism of air leakage prevention? You might be interested to read further then-

• The windows are installed in such a way that they fill all the air gaps to ensure pollution prevention while also reducing the leakage of noise from outdoors to indoors.

• Fusion-welded joints and gaskets in pollution and smog-resistant windows ensure that no pollutants can enter your residential or commercial space.

• The multi-lock feature makes sure that the outlet is tightly closed and hence no pollutants can enter from outside.

• Special silicon sealants maintain an airtight atmosphere.

Alternatively, you can even go for double glazed unit glasses which cancel out noise and heat along with being highly durable or retrofit solutions that allows you to add an extra layer of glass to your existing aluminium sliding windows to render it better acoustics, UV protection, heat protection and dust reduction properties.
But combatting air pollution must not stop just at an installation of windows. Here are some general tips by which you can make a difference to your home or office’s air quality:

• Keep your air conditioners spotless and regularly clean out their filters.
• Use beeswax candles and salt lamps to keep the air clean.
• Install indoor plants that can detoxify the air such as English Ivy, Bamboo Palm, Gerbera Daisy and Dracaena.

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